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Online Tantra guide

online tantra guide Article By: Online Tantra guide

This is an online Tantra guide for improving awareness, learning self-love, and improving sexual life. This guide includes series of videos on the basics of Tantra. For beginners and advanced, for couples and individuals, who want to learn how to improve interpersonal communication skills, enrich sexuality and improve their relationships. With the help of this guide, you can begin to practice Tantra at a convenient time and place, without the exposure of a Tantra workshop.

For whom will this guide be helpful:

Do you feel fulfilled in your love and sex life?

Do you carry pain from the past that continues to affect your present?

Are you realizing your full potential, living life to the fullest?

Most of us live in the world and do not realize our full sexual potential.
A world in which a meeting with a partner becomes a swap of orgasms instead of an act of love; Sex is done from the head and not from the body and the heart, and instead of feeling and filling with love we take on more guilt, and accumulate shame and pain.

That is how we live in the world. Creating more physical injuries that reflect our mental pain (pain in penetrating for women, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction for men), looking for comfort outside and not inside, and empty ourselves of sexual energy, which is our life energy, in unhealthy ways.

Tantra is an energetic work that returns life energy to our body, connects the emotional body to our physical body, and brings us to realize the full sexual potential inherent in each and every one of us.
This series of videos is dedicated to anyone who suspects that there is something else out there that is better. Who is not satisfied with the current situation, who has heard about Tantra and wants to understand what it really is.

Topics covered in the Tantra Manual:

● What is Tantra? What is the connection between spirituality and sexuality? Why will healing our sexuality also cure our relationship? ● Sexual energy as life energy – a proper and healthy channeling of sexual energy. ● Self-pleasure and self-love – how to manage relationships out of abundance rather than lack and need? ● How to create a safe space in a sexual encounter? ● Dynamics between masculine and feminine – what is a healthy masculine energy and healthy feminine energy? ● Tantric breathing to improve the flow of sexual energy in the body. ● Presence and energetic penetration.

So, how does it work?

The guide includes basic elements and tools to begin and deepen into healthy sexuality, accompanied by demonstrations and explanations by Ambika and Nirvan.
With energetic tools and breathing exercises we will learn to increase self-love, to use the pleasure of sexual energy to open the heart and mind and connect with joy and inner love. In this guide we will study our bodies in a more attentive way as well as how to reach pleasure in different ways than we have known so far. We will learn how to deal with the feelings and memories that arise in the process of connecting to ourselves and how knowing our boundaries can heal us.

All this is accessible anytime, anywhere, without leaving your home!

To access the guide at a special price

About the creators of the guide:

Nirvana Lev:

Heals and teaches since 1996. Studied and taught Theta Healing, Reiki, Kabbalistic Healing, Bodywork and Bioenergy, Rebirthing, Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, Yoga, Sacred Chanting and Sexual Shamanism.

He studied in India, New York, Miami, Iceland, Greece, Italy, Holland, New Zealand and Israel.

Ambika Gurion

She lived for five years in the Tamera community in Portugal, which deals with the healing of sexuality and love, and deepens in the study of peace between the sexes. Was the right hand of the founder and principal teacher of the community for three years.

Lived and practiced in India, Greece, Portugal and Israel.

She studied Tibetan Buddhism, Advaita, Meditation, Sexual Healing, Water Treatment, Buddhist-Western Psychology, Bioenergy, Reiki, Tibetan Tantra.

Come on; take a first step in favor of a great love life

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