Who are we?
Tantra Portal’s goal is to make the Tantra and its many ways accessible to every human being. That every man and woman will find in this place a home and an answer to their questions about their nature, sexuality, love, and development.
We hope that this portal will open the gateway to the rich and complete world of Tantra from basic and primary information to one that deepens and stimulates learning, curiosity, and inspiration.
We hope that this portal will bring together rich and varied international theoretical material from the best teachers, thinkers, and writers who have been researching and writing about Tantra throughout history to this day. We will bring together the best Tantra teachers both from Israel and from the world. It will also be a stage for the best Tantric healers in Israel and around the world.
We hope that this portal will be a home for building communities – creating connections between people, internet and physical, gay community, community of singles and more.
We hope that the site store, which will include quality products from Israel and the world, instruction films, music, nutrition, books, meditation and yoga accessories, jewelry,fabrics and any relevant product that will help the client’s physical health will thrive and bring the latest innovations in the field.
1) Initiation and production of Festivals, Conferences, Workshops and any other activity related to the essence of Tantra and its accessibility through collaborations.
2) Creating a connection to the business world through the values of Tantra: providing non-violent communication, listening, resolving conflicts, positive thinking and other tools that Tantra has to offer.
3) Creating a dating and matchmaking platform for anyone interested in creating a connection. The platform will be designed for both registered and general users.
4) The establishment of a university for the study of Tantra and the arts of love, courses for training teachers and healers. Training that will integrate faculty members from Israel and abroad and will be one of the world’s leading programs.
5) Construction of a sanatorium – A place that will host workshops and sessions. Teachers and healers will come from Israel and around the world, It will be possible to receive treatment or attend a workshop for several days. Since we believe that every process is ongoing, it is important to us that there is a place where there is also a program tailored to those who need to enter an intensive process, which will last several months or a year. The transformative process will include a customized program of body training, nutrition, emotional healing, empowerment, spiritual training and more.
1) To provide a qualitative and clear stage to the depth and to the wide variety that this world brings, to enable people with different needs to receive answers to their questions and receive professional guidance.
2) To clear the negative implications and labels that have stuck to the world of Tantra.
3) Make this site a gateway. The place from which the Tantra will emerge and connect all the parts that assemble a human being.
4) To serve as a supportive and enriching community for both healers and seekers.
5) To expand and spread the awareness around sexuality, sex education and sexual healing, to allow the entire field of sexuality to be recognized and valuable and therefore legal in the world.
6) To bring healing to every person of any age, sexual orientation, conscious level, state of health or mental health.
7) To promote the culture of sexual education for youth as a contribution to the community. Through workshops, seminars and lectures for educators. Educating and supporting educators.